The representatives of the Museum of Natural History successfully participated in the international symposium "Future of Astronomy Museum and Planetarium 2024".

Representatives of the Natural History Museum successfully participated in the International Symposium "Future of Astronomy Museums and Planetariums 2024". Researcher at the International Symposium "Future of Geosciences Museum and Planetarium 2024". J. Myagmarsuren and exhibition curator T. Ariun-Undral participated. During the symposium, they successfully discussed the topic "Construction of the National Museum of Natural Science and Planetarium" in connection with the presentation of the new building of the Museum of Natural History. researchers from all over the world gather for this purpose, and this time more than 60 people from 12 countries participated. the successful participation of the museum's representatives will improve the human resource capacity of the museum, as well as create a favorable opportunity for cooperation with museums of this type in the future.

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