Educational Program

Educational Programme

Museum education staff make museums more valuable to the public. They prepare resource materials to explain the objects in the museum's collection, and then bring the objects to life to convey their historical significance to modern people. They provide an environment or situation for the audience to learn a particular content informally, so people can do their own research and learn something new instead of having to listen to a lecture. The museum's educational staff guides them.

The Natural History Museum's education and public relations programs include the following key activities: The museum's educational program is designed for the following groups in the form of classroom and non-classroom learning methods based on its exhibits, and collections.

  • Preschool-aged children
  • School children
  • Students
  • Adults
  • People with disabilities


“Egg” program

The "Egg" educational program of the museum is carried out in coordination with the preschool education program organized by the museum for preschoolers to develop their characteristics, abilities, and creative activities and acquire the basic skills of lifelong education. It is to expand and develop the cooperation of educational and cultural organizations, to provide young children with a simplified understanding of the science of ancient animals and plants, to continuously organize knowledge-based creative activities, to cultivate a spirit of pride and love for the natural history and cultural heritage of their home country.

“Little Paleontologist” program

The thought of how and what kind of people study ancient animals is of great interest to every child. But the thing that interests their little brains the most is of course dinosaurs. Every child is very interested in how dinosaurs lived. From now on, every child will learn all this by participating in the "Little Paleontologist" program about how dinosaurs can become museum exhibits by themselves.


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