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List of Articles of Museum Researchers

The dissartation

Badamtsetseg Bazarragchaa. 2022. Floral composition and forest vegetation structure of the Bogd Khan Mountain: A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia. A dissertation for the degree of Philosophy in Forest Resources, Department of Resources Graduate School Chungnam National University, 213 pages. (in English)

Todgerel T. 2013. Current status and ecology of the population of Marmota sibirica Radde, 1862 in Central Mongolia. 03.02.08 - ecology (biological sciences). A dissertation for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, Buryat State University, 140 p.  (in Russian)

The master degree’s work

Myagmarsuren J. 2021. Geochronology and geochemistry of Carboniferous volcanic sedimentary rocks in the Ikh Ulziit area. Master degree thesis. Mongolian University of Science and technology school of Geology and mining engineering. Index: E05320301. 120 p. (in Mongolian)

Altangerel D. 2016. Modeling of the occurrence of the Daurian hedgehog (Mesechinius dauuricus. Sundevall, 1842) in Nature reserve of Ih Nart. Master degree thesis. National University of Mongolia. Index: Е20164807. 34 p. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O. 2015. The results of the use of automatic cameras in the study of rare mammals in the area of ​​Segs tsagaan Bogd Mountain Master degree thesis. National University of Mongolia. Index: E420203. 88 p. (in Mongolian)

Khosbayar B. 2011. Phytomass of the aboveground forb-grass (Stipa grandis) community of the Dornod Monolia. Master degree thesis. National University of Mongolia. Index: Е420205. 62 p. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2011. Butterflies (Rhopalocera) communities in the northern and southern parts of the Khentii Mountains. Master degree thesis. National University of Mongolia. Index: Е90904978. 31 p. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B. 1999. Taxonomy, distribution and ecological features of Lamiaceae in Mongolia. Master degree thesis. State University of Pedagogical. Index: E01140202. 80 p. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 1999. Distribution, density, resource and management of Mongolian marmot in Hustai nature reserve. Master degree thesis. State University of Pedagogical. Index: 03.00.08-zoology. 66 p. (in Mongolian)

Survey of museum collections


Altangerel D. 2023. Analysis of the bird collections of P.K.Kozlov and E.P.Kozlova  in the  Natural history museum. Natural heritage 6: 8-29. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2023. Collections of lepidoptera in the natural history museum. Natural heritage 6: 30-38. (in Mongolian)




Altangerel D., Soronzonbold О. 2022. Composition of bird species in the collection of birds of the natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 5: 103-121. (in Mongolian)

Myagmarsuren J. 2022. Review of the palaeоntological collection of the natural history museum and the location of finds. Natural heritage 5: 80-89. (in Mongolian)

Myandas J., Batsuuri J. 2022. Analysis of archaeological collections at the provincial museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 5: 48-66. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2022. Analysis of the species composition and species name of mammals collections  in natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 5: 122-141. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2022. Collection enrichment of arthropods in natural history museum. Natural heritage 5: 90-99.  (in Mongolian)


Todgerel T. 2018. Species composition and collection’s type of mammal’s collections in Natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 4: 17-47. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T.  2018. The contribution of N.Darisuren, head of Natural department in Central museum of Mongolia, to the museum. Natural heritage 4: 8-12. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2018. The contribution of G.Tserendolgor, researcher of Natural department in Central museum of Mongolia, to the museum. Natural heritage 4: 14-16. (in Mongolian)


Soronzonbold О. 2017. Bird’s collections in the Natural history museum. Ornithology of Mongolia.  Proceedings of the academic conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of academician A.Bold: 60-76. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel Т. 2017. Collections of stuffed animals made by taxidermist J.Tsogtbayar. Natural heritage 3: 26-36. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Badamtsetseg B., Soronzonbold O. 2017.  Collections of stuffed animals made by taxidermists. Natural heritage 3: 39-52. (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2016. Researcher S.Tsagaan of Central museum in Mongolia. Natural heritage 2: 10-14. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B. 2016. The collection of herbarium collected by S.Tsagaan, which is stored in the Natural history museum.  Natural heritage 2: 104-123. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O. 2016. The collection of birds collected by S.Tsagaan, which is stored in the Natural history museum. Natural heritage 2: 85-103. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2016. The collection of mammals collected by S.Tsagaan, which is stored in the Natural history museum. Natural heritage 2: 41-84. (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2014. The collection of herberium in the Natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 1: 36-56. (in Mongolian)

Janat D. 2014. The collection of geology in the Natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 1: 26-35. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2014. The collection of mammals in the Natural history museum of Mongolia. Natural heritage 1: 121-146. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2014. Jade. Altan gadas 123: 22. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2014. Noyon Bogd meteority. Altan gadas 123: 23. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T.  2014. Cuban crocodile. Altan gadas 129: 52-53. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. Badamtsetseg B., Tsetsegbadam G. 2014. Composition of biological collections and future collection policy in the Natural history museum. Proceedings of the museum’s 90th anniversary conference on Development and modernization of Mongolian museums: 44-52. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Soronzonbold O. 2014. The collection of birds in the Natural history museum. Natural heritage 1: 89-114. (in Mongolian)

Tsogtbayar J. 2014. The collection of amphibians and reptiles in the Natural history museum. Natural heritage 1: 79-89. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2014. The collection of insects in the Natural history museum. Natural heritage 1: 57-78. (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2012. Results of research on the plant collections of the Natural history museum. Nature and museum. Proceedings of the academic conference on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Natural history museum: 22-28. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B. 2012. Plant collections with conservation status in the storage of Natural History Museum. Nomadic heritage 12(2): 18-22. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2012. The collection of birds in the Natural history museum of Mongolia. Nomadic heritage XII:5-17. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Paik In-Hwan., Peak WoonKee. 2016. Biological collection in Natural History Museum of Mongolia. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Science Museums 2016. Korea (II): 11-15. (in English)


Badamtsetseg B. 2006. Improvement of plant exhibition and collections in the Natural history museum. Proceedings of the scientific conference: 10-13. (in Mongolian)

Javzmaa N. 2006. Current status and future goals of the mammal exhibits and collections of the Natural history museum. The scientific significance of the Natural history museum of Mongolia. Proceedings of the scientific conference: 7-9. (in Mongolian)


Methodological guide to the collection of biological species


Badamtsetseg B., Gereltuya Ch. 2018. Collection methods of plants from field. Methods for collecting plant and animal specimens. Manual for workers of local museum: 5-9. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O. 2018. Collection methods of birds from field. Methods for collecting plant and animal specimens. Manual for workers of local museum: 26-31. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2018. Collection methods of mammals from field. Methods for collecting plant and animal specimens. Manual for workers of local museum: 32-36. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2018. Collection methods of insects from field. Methods for collecting plant and animal specimens. Manual for workers of local museum: 10-20. (in Mongolian)



Ganbold E., Dariimaa Sh, Badamtsetseg B., Gantuya B., Agiimaa J., Tserennyam J., Ganzorig M., 2016. Useful flowering plants in Mongolia. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. 325 pages (in Mongolian and English).

Todgerel T., Badamtsetseg B., Soronzonbold O., Tsetsegbadam G. 2016. Guide book for identification some plants and animals in Busiin chuluu. 240 pages (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2013. Guide book for identification some plants in flora of Mongolia. National research Foundation of Korea Grant, 437 pages (in Mongolian and Korean).


Badamtsetseg B. 2011. Collection methods of plants from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 3-11. (in Mongolian)

Javzmaa N. 2011. Collection methods of mammals from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 33-37. (in Mongolian)

Janat D. 2011. Collection methods of geological samples from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 37-40. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Tsogtbayar J. 2011. Collection methods of birds from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 27-33. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Tsogtbayar J. 2011. Collection methods of fish, amphibians and reptiles from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 23-26. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2011. Collection methods of insects from field. Methods for collecting biological specimens. Guide for workers of local museum: 12-23. (in Mongolian)




Shinae Lee, Min-Gyung Son, Young-Mi Kim, Chae-Yeong An, Hyun Ji Kim, Piseth Nhoek, Pisey Pel, Hongic Won, Yoonkyung Lee, Narae Yun, Jin-Hyub Paik, Badamtsetseg Bazarragchaa, Hyun Woo Kim, Young Hee Choi, Won Keun Oh, Chang Hoon Lee, Young-Won Chin. 2024. Dihydrostilbenes and flavonoids from whole plants of Jacobaea vulgaris. Elsevier 222. (in English)

Yeon J, Kim E, Bazarragchaa B, Kim S-Y, Huh JY, Park H, et al. (2024) Stellera chamaejasme L. extract inhibits adipocyte differentiation through activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway. PLoS ONE 19(3): e0300520. (in English)



Badamtsetseg B., Orgilsaikhan T., Bat-Erdene B., Altangerel D. 2023. Floral composition of Khan-Altai mining. Natural heritage 64-81. (in Mongolian)

Batzorig S., Altangerel D., Zulbayar M., Munkhbaatar D., Tsolmonbaatar Ts. 2023. List of mammals around Ulaanbaatar city, distribution of rare species, resource assessment, and conservation issues. Natural heritage 6: 121-134. (in Mongolian)

Munnkhtsengel B., Chimedtseren A. 2023. Geochronology and paleogeodynamics of igneous rocks in Erdenet. Explorer 67: 16-23. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Tumurbaatar E. 2023. Distribution, density and resources of the mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) in the local protected area Khongorj tal. Natural heritage 6: 146-159. (in Mongolian)

Khosbayar B. 2023. Stipa gobica-allium polyrhizum changes in plant community structure. (Instance of “salkhit silver ore” mine). Natural heritage 6: 82-91. (in Mongolian)

Gombobaatar S., David H.Ellis., Soronzonbold O. 2023. The Golden Eagles in Mongolia. The Golden eagle around the world: 804-822. Hancockhouse publishing, Canada.  (in English)

Gombobaatar S., David H.Ellis., Usukhjargal D., Altangul B., Erdenebat U., Zayabaatar D., Soronzonbold O. 2023. Hunting with Golden eagles in Mongolia. The Golden eagle around the world: 76-966. Hancockhouse publishing, Canada.  (in English)


Ariunchimeg Y. Myagmarsuren J. 2022. "The Mongolian integrated stratigraphical classification (Chrono-Litho-Bio)". Mongolian Foundation for Science and Technology (MFST). Ulaanbaatar : 103-148. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B., Kim H.S., Batdelger G., Batkhuu M., Lee S.M., Yang S., Peak W.K. and Lee J. 2022. Forest vegetation structure of Bogd Khan Mountain: A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 15(2): 267-279.  (in English)

Badamtsetseg B., Gantuya B., Monkhjin B., Agiimaa J., Lee S.,  Kim H.S., Yang S., Peak W.K., Kim D.K., & Lee J. 2022. Floristic Composition and Biological Spectrum of the Bogd Khan Mountain, Mongolia. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 29(2): 241-268. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Batkhuu M., Janchiv A., Lee S.M., Kim H.S., Yang S., Peak W.K., Kim D.H. and Lee J. 2022. Floristic Composition and Biological Spectrum of The Bogdkhan Mountain, Mongolia. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 29(2): 241-268.  (in English)

Gombobaatar S., Soronzonbold O., Davaasuren P., 2022. Migration studies of Relict Gull. Proceedings of the academic conference of the 80th anniversary of the National University of Mongolia : 20-29. (in Mongolian)

Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, Tatsuki Tsujimori, Laicheng Miao, Inna Safonova, Danial Pastor-Galan, Chimedtseren Anaad, Shogo Aoki, Kazumasa Aoki, Munkhnasan Chimedsuren., 2022., Age, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications of the late Permian magmatic rocks in the Middle Gobi volcanoplutonic  Belt, Mongolia. Island Arc. Wiley. 24р (in English)

Mingshuai Zhu, Laicheng Miao, Fugin Zhang, Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, Munkhtsengel Baatar, Chimedtseren Anaad, Shunhu Yang, Zeli Wang., 2022. Carboniferous magmatic records of central Mongolia and its implications for the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Oceon., International Geology Review Island Arc. Wiley. 23р (in English)

Mingshuai Zhu, Laicheng Miao, Fugin Zhang, Ariuntsetseg Ganbat, Munkhtsengel Baatar, Chimedtseren Anaad, Shunhu Yang, Zeli Wang., 2022. Carboniferous magmatic records of central Mongolia and its implications for the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Oceon., International Geology Review (in English)

Otgonkhuu Javkhlan, Anaad Chimedtseren, Ochir Gerel, Bayaraa Batkhishig, Baatar Munkhtsengel. 2022. Geochemistry and geochronology of Carboniferous volcanic rocks from the Edren range, Trans-Altai Zone, SW Mongolia. Mongolian Geoscientist27(55), 18–40. (in English)


Purev G., Altangerel D. 2021. Species composition of mammals in the Natioanal park of Tujyn nars. Agro ecology, 15 (06): 61-66. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B., Kim H.S., Lee S.M., Batdelger G., Park G.S. and Lee J. 2021. Vegetation community classification of the Sanzai area in Mongolia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 14(2): 228-235. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Janchiv A., Enebish G., Yang S., Peak W.K. and Lee J. 2021. Contribution to the flora of Ulziit Mountain in forest steppe region of Mongolia. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 28(1): 195-215. (in English)

Darshetkar A.M., Maurya S., Lee C., Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Janchiv A., Jeong E.J., Choi S., Choudhary R.K., and Kim S.Y. 2021. Plastome analysis unveils Inverted Repeat (IR) expansion and positive selection in Sea Lavenders (Limonium, Plumbaginaceae, Limonioideae, Limonieae). PhytoKeys, 175: 89. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.175.61054 (in English)

Yeon J., Suh S.S., Youn U.J., Badamtsetseg B., Enebish G. and Seo J.B. 2021. Methanol Extract of Mongolian Iris bungei Maxim. Stimulates 3T3-L1 Adipocyte Differentiation. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 21(7): 3943-3949.  (in English)

Myagmarsuren J, 2021. Ikh Ulziit area -50 project for geologic map and general exploration work project in 1:50000 scale volume 2 . Ulaanbaatar. (in Mongolian)

Badamtulga L, Myagmarsuren J, 2021. Nomgon mountain range -50 project for geologic map and general exploration work project in 1:50000 scale volume 1, 2. Ulaanbaatar. (in Mongolian)

Monkhtsetseg O, Myagmarsuren J, 2021. Geochronology and geochemistry of Carboniferous volcanic sedimentary rocks in the Ikh Ulziit area volume 2. Ulaanbaatar. (in Mongolian)


Marget Hanelt, Dashdulam B., Gombobaatar S., Diana Jeschke., Soronzonbold O. 2020. Historische Vogelpraparate im Bogd Khaan Palast Museum on Ulaanbaatar – eine mongolisch – deutsche Kulturgeschichte, Nature in Museum Germany, Senckenberg Museum Fur Naturkunde Gorlitz.  75-80. (in English)

Kim J., Lee D.H., Badamtsetseg B., Lee S. and Kim S.A. 2020. Anti-Proliferative Effect of Allium senescens L. extract in Human T-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Cells. Molecules, 26(1): 35.  (in English)

Suttner T.J., Kido E., Ariunchimeg Ya., Sersmaa G.,. Waters J.A, Carmichael S.K., Batchelor C.J., Ariuntogos M., …. 2020. Conodonts from Late Devonian islands are settings (Baruunhuurai Terrane, western Mongolia) //Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 549 (2020) 109099 Elsevier, p 26-45. (in English) 



Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Shagdar D., Paek W.K. and Lee, J. 2019. Scutellaria krasevii Kom. & I. Schischk. ex Juz. (Lamiaceae): a new record species from Mongolia. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 49(2): 198-201. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B., Yang S., Kim H.S., Lee S.J. and Lee J. 2019. An updated taxonomy of the family Linderniaceae in Korea. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 46(4): 1007-1018. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Janchiv A., Yang S., Kim H.S., Lee S.M., Lee S.J., An S., Peak WK., Lee J. 2019. A guide to wetland plants in Mongolia. Chungnam National University, Deajeon, Republic of Korea, 258 pages. (in English)



Тodgerel T. Dorzhiev Ts.Z. 2018. Vegetation on marmot mounds in the steppes of central Mongolia. In: Proceedings of the 7th International conference on the genus Marmota “Marmots of the Old and New World” 13-17 August 2018. Ulaanbaatar: 285-298. (in English)

Gombobaatar S., Soronzonbold 0.  2018. Common  Kestral  (Falco  tinnunculus). A field Guide to the Raptors of Asia:  Sedentary   Raptors   of Oriental   and  East  Asia.  Asian  Raptor  Research  and Conservation Network. 2: 189-190. (in English)

Lee J., Lee C.Y., Seo H.H., Badamtsetseg B., Batdelger G., Choi S., Hwang K.C., Lee S. and Lim S. 2018. Extract of Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration via suppression of ERK1/2 and Akt signaling pathways. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 69(1-2): 277-287. DOI:10.3233/CH-189126  (in English)


Tsetsegbadam G. 2017. Species composition of butterflies (Rhopalocera) in around the camp Zuunmod.  Proceeding of conference on  Study of insects in Mongolia 5: 39-43. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O., Gombobaatar S. and In-Kwan Paik. 2017. Falcony raptor conservation and culture heritage in Mongolia. ISSM 2017. international symposium sience museums. Proceeding 2: 288-289. (in English)

Hanelt M., Enkhmanlai N., Gombaatar O., Jeschke D., Soronzonbold O., Mashbat T., Mendsaikhan O., Munkhbayasgalan O., Temuujin B., Tuvshinjargal Y. 2017. Restoration of the historical bird collection of the Nogd Khaan Palace Museum in Ulaanbaatar. International conference- Biodiversity research of Mongolia. Abstracts : 71-72. (in English)


Gombobaatar S., Melani Simmons, Merry Ann Loy, Odkhuu B., Bayanmunkh D., Munkh-Erdene J., Soronzonbold O., Uymjirmaa B. 2016. A study of the migration between Mongolia and Australia of Calidris ferruginea and Calidris ruficollis. Natioanal University of Mongolia, Ornis Mongolia 4 (432): 72-73. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B. 2016. Fruit morphology of some species of the Lamiaceae in the flora of Mongolia. Turczaninovia 19 (1): 34-41. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B. 2016. Overview of medical plants in Mongolian flora. International symposium of science museums, 2: 99-100. (in English)

Gombobaatar S., Melanie S., Mary A.L., Odkhuu B., Soronzonbold 0., Baynmunkh D., Munkh-Erdene J., Yumjirmaa  B. 2016. Recoveries  and resightings of marked migratory birds: Curlew  sandpiper  (Calidris ferruginea)  and Red-necked  Stint (Calidris ru ficollis) between Mongolia and Australia. Omis Mongolica 4(432): p. 69-72 (in English)


Janat D. 2015. Study of geology. Biodiversity of Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. National science museum of Korea: 23-35. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2015. Study of insects. Biodiversity of Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. National science museum of Korea: 84-110. (in Mongolian)   

Badamtsetseg B., 2015. Flora. In: Biodiversity of Shatan. (Eds. Lee Sang Jin, Youn M Ryu, and Paik Inwang), Ulaanbaatar: 6-9. (in English)

Janat D. 2015. Geology //Biodiversity of Shatan. National science museum of Korea, p.102-106. (in English)

Soronzonbold 0.,  Samiya R., Gombobaatar  S. 2015. The results of camera trap survey of rare mammals in Segs Tsagaan Bogd mountain, Trans-Altai  gobi Mongolia. Proceeding of Research Conference for Master and Doctor students: p.12. Department of Biology, National university of Mongolia. (in English)

Todgerel T. 2015. Mammals. In: Biodiversity of Shatan (Eds. Lee Sang Jin, Youn M Ryu, and Paik Inwang), Ulaanbaatar: 58-62. (in English)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2015.  Butterflies. Biodiversity of Shatan: 78-96. (in English)


Janat D. 2014. Metamorphic process of formation of mineral deposits. Altan gadas 128: 52-53. (in Mongolian)

Janat D. 2014. Geology and mineralogy. Altan gadas 126: 48-49. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O. 2014. Lakes of rangers. National Geographic 5: 26-29. (in Mongolian)

Soronzonbold O. 2014. National pride bird. Altan gadas 125: 50-51. (in Mongolian)

Tsetsegbadam G. 2014. Life activity and characteristics of the butterfly (Inachis io Linnaeus, 1758). Altan gadas 124: 38-39. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B., Dariimaa Sh. 2014. Flora. In: Biodiversity of Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. (ed. Peak Woon Kee), Ulaanbaatar: 12-22. (in English)

Доржиев Ц.З., Тодгэрэл Т. 2014. Состояние популяций тарбагана и значение особо охраняемых природных территорий в восстановлении его численности. Особо охраняемые природные территории в сохранении природно-культурного наследия Забайкалья и Монголии. Труды национального парка”Алханай”. Улан-Удэ 2: 115-120. (in Russian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2013. Seed morphology of members of the family Lamiaceae in Mongolia (abstract) In: Proceedings of International Conference Plant Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Continental Asia, Ulaanbaatar: 69. (in English)

Badamtsetseg B. 2013. Vascular Plants, Section II. 1.93-1.100. In: Mongolian Red Book. (eds. Shiirevdamba Ts. and Ganbold E.), Ulaanbaatar: 389-400 (in Mongolian and English).

Badamtsetseg B., Myoung, L.S. and Yuon, L.H. 2012. Pollen morphology of the family Lamiaceae in Mongolia. Journal of Korean Nature, 5(2): 169-179. (in English)

Тодгэрэл Т. 2013. Экология размножения монгольских популяций тарбагана. Социально-экологические проблемы Байкальского региона: материалы II Межвузовской науч.-практ. конф. студентов и аспирантов. Улан-Удэ: Бурятского госуниверситета: 60-62. (in Russian)

Тодгэрэл Т. 2013. Некоторые особенности питания тарбагана в Монголии. Социально-экологические проблемы Байкальского региона: материалы II Межвузовской науч.-практ. конф. студентов и аспирантов. Улан-Удэ: Бурятского госуниверситета: 62-64. (in Russian)

Тодгэрэл Т., Доржиев Ц.З. 2013. Особенности растительности на сурчинах в злаково-карагановых степях Центральной Монголии. Вестник. Бурятского государственного университета. Биология, география. 3: 131-138. (in Russian)

Цэцэгбадам Г. 2013. К питанию крючкоусых (Hesperioidea) и булавоусых чешукрылых (Papilionoidea) Хэнтэйского хребта (Монголия). Социально-экологические проблемы Байкальского региона: материалы II Межвузовской науч.-практ. конф. студентов и аспирантов. – Улан-Удэ: Изд-во Бурятского госуниверситета: 64-66. (in Russian)


Tsetsegbadam G., Gantigmaa Ch.  2012. Distribution and species composition of butterflies (Phophalocera) in Mongolia. Nature and museum. Proceedings of the conference on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Natural history museum: 64-71. (in Mongolian)

Tserennyam J., Badamtsetseg B. 2012. Taxonomic review of Veronica L. in Mongolia.  Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Journal of Institude of Botany 24: 64-70. (in Mongolian)

Бадамцэцэг Б. 2012. Семейства Lamiaceae Martinov. Флоры Монголии. Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, Сборник научных статей по материалам XI международной научно-практической конференции, Барнаул: 13-16. . (in Russian)

Цэцэгбадам Г. 2012. Сообщества булавоусых чешуекрылых хребет Хэнтэй. Бурятского государственного университета, Улан-Үдэ. Вестник: 172-176. (in Russian)


Javzmaa N., Bulgan D., Todgerel T., Enkhbold S. 2011. Results of a nationwide survey to identify human and natural factors affecting marmot distribution and resources. Proceedings of the conference on Research, conservation and use of mammals in Mongolia: 84-92. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Javzmaa N. 2011. Assessment of resources and distribution, density of the Mongolian marmots (Marmota sibirica) in some areas of Khentii province. Proceedings of the conference on Research, conservation and use of mammals in Mongolia: 72-84. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Javzmaa N., Enkhbold S. 2011. Monitoring research methods for assessing resources, distribution and density of the mongolian marmots. Proceedings of the conference on Research, conservation and use of mammals in Mongolia: 64-72. (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2010. The review systematic of the Mint family (Lamiaceae Lindl.) in Mongolia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological consequences of biosphere processes in the ecotone zone of Southern Siberia and Central Asia 2: 203-206. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Baysgalan D., 2010. Vegetation on marmot mounds in the Stipa steppe. Proceedings of the conference on Biodiversity of Mongolia and conservation 3: 105-117. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Javzmaa N., Tungalagtuya Kh. 2010. The start of a long-term monitoring study of the Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) based on local communities in Bat-Ulzii soum of Uverkhangai province and Erdenetsogt soum of Bayankhongor province. Proceedings of the conference on Mongolian marmot: 49-54. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Javzmaa N., Tuvshin U. 2010. Assessment of the distribution, density and resources of the mongolian marmots  (Marmota sibirica) in areas of Tuv province. Proceedings of the conference on Mongolian marmot: 14-26. (in Mongolian)


Badamtsetseg B. 2009. Genera Skullcap (Scutellaria L.) in the flora of Mongolia. Scientific journal of Natural Science Institute, Mongolian State University of Education 81: 58-63. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B. 2008. Genera Skullcap (Scutellaria L.) in the flora of Mongolia. Scientific journal of Institute of Botany, MAS 20: 7-15. (in Mongolian)

Бадамцэцэг Б. 2008. К истории изучения семейства Губоцветные  (Lamiaceae Lindl.) флоры Монголии. Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, материалы VII международной научно-практической конференции, Барнаул: 9-11 (in Russian)

Badamtsetseg B. New records of Mint family in Mongolia. Journal of Natural Sciences, Agricultural University School of Natural Sciences 4: 53-60. (in Mongolian)

Badamtsetseg B.2005. Composition, distribution, economic uses of Mint family (Lamiaceae Lindl.) in near Ulaanbaatar city. Scientific journal of Natural Science Institute, Mongolian State University of Education 4: 125-130.  (in Mongolian)

Буд М. 2009. Монголчуудын махчин шувуудыг ашиглан ан агнуур хийж байсан нь буюу монголчуудын шувуулахуй. Нүүдэлчдийн өв судлал 9: 125-127. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Javzmaa N., Tungalagtuaya Kh. 2009. Mongolain marmot’s (Marmota sibirica) distribution, density and resources in Bat-Ulzii soum of Uvurkhangai province and Erdenetsogt soum of Bayankhongor province. Nomadic heritage 9: 128-132. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2004. Species composition of plant in marmot burrows. Takhi 6:62-73. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2002. Mammals distribution and density in area of Khustai national park. Takhi 5:58-65. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T.,Batbold J. 2000. Distriburion and density of Mongolian marmot is related to vegatation. Scientific journal of the Center of the study of resisdance to natural plague 8:99-105. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Batbold J. 1999. The result of researching Mongolian marmot in Hustai nature reserve. Takhi 4/2:35-40. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T., Bayasgalan D., 2001. Vegetation on marmot burrows. Proceeding of the Institude of Biology of the Academy of Sciences 23:99-104. (in Mongolian)

Tsendeekhuu Ts., Badamtsetseg B. 2006. Rare plants of Mongolia. Proceedings of the conference on The scientific and cognitive significance of the Natural history museum: 15-17. (in Mongolian)

Todgerel T. 2002. A preliminary list of the mammals in the Hustai National Park in Mongolia. Mammalia 66 (4): 610-612. (in English)

Hovens J.P.M., Tungalagtuja Kh., Todgerel T., Batdorj D., 2000. The impact of wolves Canis lupus (L.,1758) on wild ungulates and nomadic livestock in and around the Hustai nuruu steppe reserve (Mongolia). Lutra 43: 35-50. (in English)



Dashbat T. 2018.. Trends in publicizing natural heritage. Museology. Tom-XVIII-1: 162-165. (in mongolian)

Dashbat T. 2018. Display of natural heritage for exibition. Museum information. National Museum of Mongolia 14: 18. (in mongolian)

Myandas J. 2009. Museum as a tool for developing intercultural relations (In the case of the Natural History Museum). Nomadic heritage 9: 34-37.  (in mongolian)

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