The cultural heritage of Mongolian migration has been registered in UNESCO

The cultural heritage of Mongolian migration has been registered in UNESCO The 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage is being held in Asuncion, Republic of Paraguay, from December 2 to 7, 2024. At the session on the 5th day of this conference, the "Mongolian Nomadic Rituals" heritage nominated by Mongolia to be registered in UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was discussed and registered by 100% vote of the committee members. Mongolian nomadic cultural heritage is the 16th heritage registered by Mongolia in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. For thousands of years, nomadic Mongolians have been creating and passing on their heritage in harmony with nature, climate, lifestyle, herd structure and characteristics. "Mongolian Migratory Rituals", the significance of the heritage to human existence, environmental stability, food security, health, social cohesion, inclusive economic development, The Intergovernmental Committee and the Evaluation Committee of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage welcomed the contribution and officially confirmed the inclusion of the heritage in the cultural fund of humanity. selection of sutras, loading of migration, clearing of manure, clearing of newly landed land, pasture reserves, It is a complex system of traditional knowledge and behavior that includes many traditional knowledges such as taking care of the herd and protecting the environment in a way that correlates the carrying capacity with the structure, number, wild animals and plants distribution and locality of the herd and the family's milking herd. Today, the inheritors of this traditional knowledge have reached the present day without losing the traditional knowledge of protecting the environment and animal husbandry, which was born out of mutual worship and passed down over the course of thousands of years. They still travel by camels in the high mountains of Altai, by yaks in the mountains of Khangai, by camels in the Gobi region, by camels and carts in the steppes, and by reindeer in the taiga region. In this way, the cultural values ​​of Mongolians are recognized worldwide, and their wealth continues to expand and develop. Thanks to the inheritors, governmental and non-governmental organizations and academics who participated in the registration Photo by P. Battulga

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