"WELCOME HOME-3" TEMPORARY EXHIBITION HAS BEEN HELD IN UMNOGOV PROVINCE. The action program of the Government of Mongolia includes the event "Mongolian Heritage and the World." The Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth is implementing it in stages. The process of repatriating dinosaur fossils from Mongolia started in 2013, and as of today, it has been repatriated for the 5th time. The temporary exhibition "WELCOME HOME" will be held in March 2024 in the exhibition hall of the Museum of Natural History for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Museum of Modern Art, and the temporary exhibition "WELCOME HOME-2" will be held on June 6, 2024. It was exhibited in the Children's and Youth Theater in November, but this time, it has been exhibited to the public in the exhibition hall of the Govi ​​Museum of Nature and History, the home of dinosaurs. The exhibition includes 11 dinosaur skull fossils of 4 types, including Tarvosaurus Bataar and Protoceratops. The exhibition will be open to the public from August 25 to September 16, 2024, so the citizens of Dalanzadgad and foreign and domestic tourists traveling to the city should visit the Govi ​​Museum of Nature and History to travel through a time in world history for a short period of time. Cooperation: Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth, Museum of Nature and History of Govi

6 months ago
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