COMPREHENSIVE INFORMAL EDUCATION PROGRAM A comprehensive non-formal education program based on the museum has been implemented since 2022 as part of expanding the content of the Natural History Museum education program in accordance with the content of general education courses in cooperation with public service organizations that implement educational programs. For the first time, we successfully implemented a class with in-depth English language training with teacher D. Monkhsahya of the 13th State Primary School of the Capital. In the academic years of 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, it was successfully included in the 6th and 7th grade National Writing, Civic Ethics Education, and Geography courses in a step-by-step manner. , participated in the "Little Paleontologist" educational program, got acquainted with dinosaur fossils found in the territory of Mongolia, and expanded his cognitive information based on scientifically researched exhibits by participating in the informal educational program of the museum. This is fully consistent with the contents of chapters 1 and 2 of physics. In the academic year of 2022-2023, it was implemented together with Biology teacher N. Bayarmaa.• According to the Decree of the President of Mongolia No. 105 of 2003, the first Sunday of May every year is designated as the National Literacy Day of Mongolia. Organized multi-faceted events aimed at the public to study and promote the history of writing and scriptures, promote the history of the artefacts that make up writing and books, organize multifaceted events aimed at the public, and encourage children and youth to learn the national script and support their efforts. It has a beautiful tradition that is celebrated by the people. This is because one of the basic indicators that confirm the independence of any country is the issue of having an official state language. In order to introduce this day, to promote the activities of the library, and to introduce the national printed publications in the library's collection, the museum's "Little Environmentalist" educational program was organized in cooperation with the Ulaanbaatar City Public Central Library to deliver the activities of the library in the 2023-2024 school year to the National It was successfully implemented under the leadership of writing teacher N. Delgermaa.• Starting from 2022, the Secretariat of the Great Khural of Mongolia implements the "Parliamentary Education" program for general education students, university students, and young people. Within the framework of the program, students were given detailed information about parliamentarianism and participated in a tour of the State House and the activities of the State Great Khural. This comprehensive program is continuing as representatives of parents participated in the program in the 2023-2024 academic year and got to know the Four Values ​​of National Unified Values. The educational program "Positive method of education" is going to be implemented. D. Battsetseg, the director of the 13th National First School, who cooperated with the Museum of Natural History and supported the activities of the teachers and students, and the teacher of the 8th grade, D. D. I would like to express my gratitude to you, Munkhsakhya. Department of Education and Marketing of the Museum of Natural History.

4 months ago
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